Easter Sunday
Father Jack Conley, CP, shares his reflection for Easter Sunday.
Good Friday
Father Robin asks, "As we gaze on the face of the crucified Jesus, what do you see?"
Holy Thursday
Dr. Michael Cunningham shares his reflection for Holy Thursday.
Palm Sunday
Paul Wadell shares his reflection on the "love story" that the events of Holy Week show us.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Father Febin Barose, CP, shares his reflection on the story of when Jesus saved the adulteress. "Let the one among you who is without sin, be the first one to throw a stone at her."
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Sandra Sierra reflects on the Prodigal Son for the Fourth Sunday of Lent
Feast of the Annunciation
Faith Offman shares her reflection and challenges us to say "Yes" to our own Annunciation.
Third Sunday of Lent
Father Pat Brennan, CP, shares his reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent.
Feast of St. Joseph
Father David Colhour, CP, shares his reflection on the Scripture readings for this Feast of St. Joseph.
Feast of St. Patrick
Conor Quinn, CP, a Passionist student from Northern Ireland, shares his reflection on St. Patrick.
Second Sunday of Lent
Jean Bowler shares her reflection for the readings on this Second Sunday of Lent
First Sunday of Lent - English
Father Clemente Barron, CP, reflects on the Scripture readings for the First Sunday of Lent.
First Sunday of Lent - Spanish
P. Clemente Barron, C.P., considera las lecturas bíblicas del primer domingo de cuaresma.
Ash Wednesday
On March 2, the Church celebrates Ash Wednesday.
Let us pray for one another as we enter the season of Lent. Our Passionist “motto” can be our daily prayer during Lent, “May the Passion of Jesus Christ be always in our hearts.”