Could you use some extra funds to implement Laudato Siˊ?
Small grants for 2022 will be available up to a maximum of $1,000 for U.S. Catholic parishes, schools, dioceses, religious communities, and other U.S. Catholic organizations that apply. All the ministries in Holy Cross Province are eligible to apply, and there is no limit to the number of applications.
The 2022 Victory Noll Sisters Small Grants Program will prioritize grant applications that:
- Make a connection to one (or more) of the seven goals of the Laudato Siˊ Action Platform (LSAP). A list of the goals with sample actions can be found here: Laudato Siˊ Platform Goals (LSAP)
- Boost the ability of Catholic organizations and institutions to engage and participate in the LSAP.
- Help lift creation care issues within the Synod on Synodality process.
- Priority will also be given to projects, programs, and events that:
- Are led by Catholic youth or young adults or are multi-generational which include significant leadership from young people.
- Lift the Catholic voice on creation care issues, especially of Catholic youth and young adults on creation care issues.
- Focus on classroom instruction, curriculum or projects related to creation care
- Lift environmental justice issues. (e.g., projects/programs that partner with frontline communities, impacted communities, and that center leadership in impacted communities of color.)
- Promote advocacy and dialogue with church and political leaders on the call to care for creation and our vulnerable neighbors.
- Support events (educational events, rallies, fairs, festivals) that connect to the Season of Creation (Sept.1, to October 4th), Feast of St. Francis (October 4th), and Earth Day (April 22nd).
- Promote prayer services and liturgies related to creation care.
- Help promote understanding, bridge-building, and healing related to creation care through retreats, workshops, or other gatherings.
- Promote service projects (tree-plantings, cleanups, community gardens, etc.) These projects must have an educational and/or advocacy component.
- Reduce carbon emissions and promote institutional sustainability and sustainable lifestyles.
Apply here:
The application deadline to apply is May 2nd, 2022. Grant decisions are expected to be made by early June. (If funding remains thereafter, grants will be awarded on a rolling basis until the funds are exhausted.) For more information about the grants, and/or help in submitting your grant proposal, please contact Patty Gillis, Laudato Siˊ Animator for Holy Cross Province at [email protected] or 313.399.8320.