Dear Friend,
For St. Paul of the Cross, the founder of the Passionists, meditation on the Passion of Jesus was the door by which one entered a deeper relationship with God.
As I have reflected on the Cross and its relevance to the times in which we live, I have grown to understand that meditation on the Passion of Jesus is also the door by which we enter a deeper understanding of ourselves as loved by God and a deeper understanding of others as children of God. This is such an important lesson for our world today!
I am happy to let you know that we have several new cards available which express your relationship with the people closest to you. They cover occasions of all kinds, from expressing sympathy in times of grief, to expressing joy and congratulations in times of blessing. Each card carries with it the promise of your prayer and that of our Passionist Community for the person mentioned.
Click here to view the All Occasion cards that are available. As you use the cards, please send us the names of the people you especially want remembered in our daily prayers.
We also invite you to consider making a donation when you send the names to be remembered in our prayers. Your generosity helps make possible our Passionist life and mission in the years ahead. When we fulfill our mission of proclaiming the Passion of Jesus, we help people remember how much they are loved by God.
May God continue to bless you and yours. We ask that you continue to pray for us as we pray for you.
In Jesus Crucified,
Fr. Michael Higgins, C.P.
Spiritual Director