Dear Friend of the Passionists,
In our fast-paced world, we can sometimes be distracted from the deeper meaning of life.
These days of Lent leading us to Easter encourage us to “go deeper” and let our faith be enriched as we walk with Jesus through his suffering and death to the glorious experience of His Resurrection. Celebrating Jesus risen from the dead puts everything about His life and mission in a radically new perspective.
Jesus came to love and serve. It cost Him misunderstanding, persecution and martyrdom. In celebrating Easter, we realize that Good Friday was not an occasion of capital punishment but rather the exceptional sacrifice of love: triumph not a defeat, a beginning rather than an end and love leading to new Life!
These days provide an opportunity to reach out and encourage one another with Jesus’ Easter Message of Life and Love as we face our busyness and challenges. We Passionists are again offering you a selection of five beautiful Easter cards. We invite you to send these cards to those people in your life who may benefit from your loving encouragement. As you send your Easter cards, please send me the names by April 5 so they may be remembered in the special Easter Novena of Masses celebrated by our Passionists.
Please consider supporting our Passionist ministries as you send the names and intentions. We Passionists promote the loving Passion of Jesus by our special ministries of retreats, parish missions, spiritual direction, chaplaincies and education, helping provide the deeper meaning of life. With your support, together we spread the Good News of Jesus Crucified and risen from the dead!
We ask God’s special blessing for you this Easter Season, and we ask a share in your prayers as we daily remember you. May the smile on our faces and Christ-like joy and love in our hearts proclaim that we are Easter people!
In the Risen Jesus,
Fr. Michael Higgins, C.P.
Spiritual Director

Easter Crosses
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Happy Easter
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