Asking for prayers on behalf of another is characteristic of a heart attuned to God’s mercy. Our prayer requests reveal our deep desire for connection with those around us and the wider world.
Passionists take a fourth vow in which we promise to keep the memory of the Passion of Jesus alive in the world today. A deep source for fulfilling our vow is our prayer of petition and intercession.
The Passion of Jesus is an act of love which offers redemption and salvation. It is shared with each and every one of us. Rooted in this conviction, we confidently place our prayers before our God, who responds to them through His infinite love, mercy and compassion.
It is a great privilege for us to pray with you and for your petitions and intercessions. We invite you to fill out a prayer request form, prayer card or Mass intention. Each of your prayers will be offered during our daily prayers and those we pray for during the Eucharistic celebration.