New Provincial and Consultors
Every four years the Passionist Family of Holy Cross Province gathers for its Provincial Chapter. It is a time for reviewing the past, for choosing future options, and for electing the Provincial and his Consultors for the next four years.
The 2023 Provincial Chapter was held at Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre, California. It was the first time the Province held an in-person meeting since the last Chapter in 2019. In many ways it was a family reunion, reconnecting with colleagues and friends, and meeting new people in person for the first time.
One of the main purposes of a Provincial Chapter is for the vowed men in the Province to elect their Provincial Superior and his Consultors from among their Passionist brothers.
Please join us in congratulating our new Provincial and his Consultors!
Father David Colhour, CP Provincial Superior
Father Jim Strommer, CP First Consultor
Father Febin Barose, CP Second Consultor
Father Bruno D’Souza, CP Third Consultor
Father John Schork, CP Fourth Consultor

Father John Schork, C.P.; and Father Jim Strommer, CP.
May God bless them as they guide Holy Cross Province into the future.
We also extend a very warm thank you to Fr. Joe Moons, CP, and his two Provincial Councils for their leadership over the last eight years.