The Passionists – Holy Cross Province News
- Series: Passionist Family Formation e-Learning 2024-2025 August 30, 2024Holy Cross and St. Paul of the Cross Provinces will begin a fourth series of six presentations for our Passionist Family Formation e-Learning (PFFeL). The themes and presenters are listed below. All the presenters are well conversant in their specific subject. They will be of great encouragement to us as we grow in a deeper […]
- Realizando Principios Laudato Si' March 23, 2024Celebrando el Día Mundial del Agua Hoy celebramos el Día Mundial del Agua. A nosotros, católicos y Pasionistas, el Papa Francisco nos pide que tratemos lograr el cambio de corazón necesario para integrar las acciones de la Plataforma Laudato Siˊ ( a nuestra vida diaria. El Papa Francisco nos pide una "profunda conversión interior" que nos conduzca […]
- Laudato Si' news from Holy Cross Province March 23, 2024Celebrating World Water Day Today, we celebrate World Water Day. As Catholics and as Passionists, we have been asked by Pope Francis to seek the change of heart that is required to make the actions of the Laudato SiˊAction Platform part of our daily lives. What Pope Francis asks of us is a “profound interior conversion” leading […]
- A Lenten Invitation from the Provincial Superior February 6, 2024Lent is just around the corner. If you recall, St. Paul of the Cross didn’t take up more missions during Lent. On the contrary, for Paul, Lent was a time of greater contemplation and prayer. It is important that we take time to nourish our souls in this holy season. At the request of the […]
- Join Us for Passionist Family Formation e-Learning July 13, 2023In September Holy Cross and St. Paul of the Cross Provinces will begin a third series of six presentations for our Passionist Family Formation e-Learning. The themes and presenters are listed below. All the presenters are well conversant in their specific subject. They will be of great support to us as we all strive to […]
- What Does it Mean to be Anti-Racist May 30, 2023Remember Amy Cooper, a white woman, who called the police on Christian Cooper, a black man who was bird watching in New York’s Central Park, because he asked her to put her dog on a leash. He videoed her saying “I’m going to tell them there’s an African American man threatening my life.” The video […]
- Title 42: The Plight of Those Seeking Help May 17, 2023Title 42 has come and gone. Much hype was made about the chaos to come after the lifting of Title 42. The fact is that for many years agencies and refugee centers have been feeling the pressure to service all of God’s people who come seeking help. With so many desperate to escape the horrors […]
- Why We May Actually Be Preparing for Chapter 2027 May 17, 2023By Pat Brennan, CP I would like to share with all of our Passionist Family, vowed and lay, a few thoughts that have been filling my mind and heart during these past months of preparation for the 36th Provincial Chapter. Much of our conversation has centered around very important and critical topics, all of which […]
- A World Without Trash or Garbage May 16, 2023How does the Ecological Conversion that Pope Francis calls us to play out in our mundane daily living? Like when we “take out the trash”? What IS trash? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary “trash” is “things that are no longer useful or wanted, and that have been thrown away; or useless waste or rejected matter.” […]
- Useful Words on Cultural and Racial Diversity May 16, 2023allyship The Rochester Racial Justice Toolkit describes allyship as "a lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability with marginalized individuals and/or groups of people." Being an ally means learning from and listening to marginalized groups, empowering them, advocating for them, and looking inward to recognize your own bias and privilege. […]