I recall assisting my mother in going through my grandmother’s things shortly after she died.
We came across stacks of holy cards: those that are given out during funeral visitations and those that were Mass prayer cards for priests. I laid out each of those cards, edge to edge, across our large dining room table. They covered the whole surface of the table. As I looked at all those cards and read all the names of those for whom the cards were created, it hit me that prayer and our Catholic faith was my family’s legacy.
Those prayer cards connected the dots of my familial lineage, our communion of saints. Each family has its own lineage that is contained and celebrated withing the larger communion of saints, the mystical body of believers that make up the Church.
I invite you to share the names of your family and friends who have gone before us so that we Passionists may celebrate your lineage. Please send your intentions here. Together, we join our voices in prayer with the prayer of our communion of saints.
Please consider supporting our Passionist life and ministries as our communities, especially our senior religious, who offer special prayer this November for your intentions. Your support will help us celebrate the life of all our beloved who have passed from this life to the next, while also continuing to spread the Good News of Jesus Crucified in today’s world.
Thank you for your generous collaboration with the Passionists! Be assured of our ongoing prayer for you and yours. May God grant us all the fullness of Divine Life!
In Jesus Crucified,

Fr. Michael Higgins, C.P.
Spiritual Director