“As many times as I have invoked You, O Jesus, You have made me content; I have often had recourse to You, and You have always consoled me. How shall I express myself to You, dear Jesus?” –St. Gemma Galgani
Thank you for your devotion to St. Gemma and for being a dedicated member of the Saint Gemma Galgani Circle of Giving!
Your generous involvement in the Circle of Giving helps support our Passionist life and ministries. You are enabling the Good News of Jesus’ love to be experienced by those who are called to benefit by our ministries and prayer.
Pray for us, Saint Gemma, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Please use the form below to submit your prayer intentions to The Passionists of Holy Cross Province. The Passionists will ask God’s favor through the intercession of St. Gemma.