Dear Friend of the Passionists,
During the month of March, we celebrate the lives of two great saints in our Catholic history: Saint Patrick of Ireland, and Saint Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We celebrate the feast of St. Patrick on March 17, and St. Joseph on March 19. These two holy men each had a special role to fulfill in sharing the Good News of Jesus with men and women worldwide.
Their encouragement: St. Patrick was born in Scotland, was called to Ireland and there he generously and courageously helped build up the Church as a bishop. Earlier in history, God used St. Joseph to humbly join with Mary in the growth and protection of the Holy Family in Nazareth.
Both men, each in their own way, led humble and courageous lives, and thus are great examples for us 21st Century Christians facing the challenges – and opportunities – of credibly living our faith in Jesus. We Passionists celebrate the feasts of both saints with special fervor, including special Masses and prayers.)
This year send your loved ones a Passionist St. Patrick’s Day or St. Joseph’s Day e-card to encourage a loved one or friend their faith journey and to let them know that they will be included in our special St. Patrick and St. Joseph feast day Masses.
When you send your St. Patrick’s Day or St. Joseph’s Day e-cards, please consider sending us a donation so that our Passionist ministries can continue. Through your generous financial support, you help us continue to live and spread the Good News of Jesus Crucified with humility and courage as did St. Joseph and St. Patrick. Your partnering with us is a gift to God as we together help build up the Church of our own time and place.
May God bless you and yours, through the intercession of Sts. Patrick and Joseph – and may the Passion of Jesus Christ be always in our hearts!
Yours in Christ’s love,
Fr. Michael Higgins, CP
Spiritual Director