This stained-glass window is at our new community residence in Vietnam. In a relatively brief time, the Passionists, founded by St. Paul of the Cross, have become deeply rooted in Vietnam. Tested by war and many hardships, the Vietnamese people have a wonderfully strong faith. It is good, in our Passionist Family, to have such a strong flow of our charism. This grace sustains all in the Passionist Family.
Click here to learn more about the Passionists in Vietnam.
Tuesdays with Blaise features photos and reflections by Fr. Blaise Czaja, C.P., who became a vowed Passionist 60 years ago.
Este vitral está en nuestra nueva de Vietnam. En un tiempo relativamente breve, los Pasionistas, fundados por San Pablo de la Cruz, se han arraigado en Vietnam. El pueblo vietnamita, sometido a los años de guerra y muchas dificultades económicas, mantiene una fe maravillosamente fuerte. Es enriquecedor para nuestra Familia Pasionista, tener esta nueva incarnación de nuestro carisma. Esta gracia sustenta a todos de la Familia Pasionista.
Para obtener más información sobre los Pasionistas en Vietnam, visita