Valentine’s Day, 2017
Dear Friend of the Passionists,
No matter our age, our nationality or our unique personality traits, we humans thrive on the gift of personal LOVE: love received and love shared. Love speaks to our hearts and souls and lights a fire within us – and as the saying goes, “makes the world go round”.
Our world celebrates love on a special day that has roots in our Christian tradition. Valentine’s Day is based on the life of an early Christian martyr, Valentine. Though we know few facts of his life as a man of the Third Century, he is celebrated as a man of deep faith in Jesus that enabled him to tell others of God’s love for them in Jesus…a witness of love that cost him his own life as a martyr for Jesus.
You are God’s Valentine to us in the loving prayer and encouraging support you offer us. Thank you! We continue to reach out to God on your behalf in our prayer – most appropriately in the special Valentine’s Day Mass celebrated for all our friends who are enrolled in our St. Valentine’s Mass on February 14th.
This year send your loved ones a Passionist Valentine’s Day e-card to show them that they are being thought of with love and prayers. We have two wonderful e-cards from which to choose. May the loved ones who receive them feel the warmth of your kindness. So that we may remember those you are sending cards to, please provide us with your prayer intentions.
When you send your Valentine’s Day e-cards, please consider sending us a donation so that our Passionist ministries can continue. In our community life and ministries, each day is a “Valentine’s Day”, as God gifts us with the Love that encourages, forgives, nourishes and inspires. This love of Jesus Crucified is the heart of the parish missions we preach, the retreats we share and in the life of our parishes. God’s Love “makes the Passionist world go round!”
We thank you for your generous support and for your love of God and neighbor. Let’s continue to pray for one another and our needy brothers and sisters world-wide: God’s love in Jesus Crucified is the ultimate Valentine! Help us spread the word.
In the love of Jesus Crucified,
Fr. Michael Higgins, CP,
Spiritual Director
Click any image to see a preview of the e-card.
You may also add a recipient name and personalized message on any of these cards.