Father Jack Conley, CP
The Passionists are offering online pre-recorded videos and livestream Masses and devotions. Please scroll down for the list of offerings available.
Holy Cross Province
Written Reflections
Coronavirus Prayer of Hope, by Father Phil Paxton, CP
What Trees Can Teach Us About Weathering Pandemics, by Amy Florian
A Reflection on Renaming Anxieties, an excerpt from Naked Spirituality, by Brian McLaren.
Holy Family Parish, Birmingham, Alabama
St. Mary’s Parish, Fairfield, Alabama
All times are Central Standard Time.
Father Phil Paxton, C.P.
Father Alex Steinmiller, CP
Detroit, Michigan
Father Alex continues with his weekly Passionist Pause reflections. The videos are available on St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center’s YouTube Channel.
St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center
Detroit, Michigan
All times are Eastern Standard Time.
Mondays with Mystics
Beginning Monday, July 27, join Faith Offman in an exploration of the lives and spirituality of some famous and lesser known Christian mystics. Each online event will also include an opportunity for a shared prayer experience. For more information visit St. Paul’s website.
Praying with “Faith”
Start your Thursdays with Faith! This weekly opportunity for prayer and fellowship is open to all. Register by Wednesday afternoon at 1:00 pm to receive the link to the weekly ZOOM call so you can join in this online event. Visit St. Paul’s website for more information.
Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center
Sierra Madre, California
All times are Pacific Standard Time.
Online Mass via Facebook
Tuesday at 8:30 a.m

Online Retreats
Walking with God During Difficult Times is a retreat designed specifically to respond to the current crisis. A spiritual response to help us understand our role in this once-in-a-lifetime journey, and how by walking with God, we can see He was there all along.
Our new Online Retreat format allows you to see and hear your favorite devotions and prayers recited at Mater Dolorosa, as well as experience the smiling faces of the retreat ministry team right in your own home.
Additional information on this year’s theme and links to register are found on Mater Dolorosa’s website.
Sunday evening Centering Prayer
Meeting via Zoom at 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Click this link to join the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/544288832
Meeting ID: 544 288 832
Dial direct (not from computer link) 1 669 900 6833
Visit Mater Dolorosa’s website for information on Centering prayer.
Self-paced Centering Prayer Session on YouTube
A complete 20-minute Centering Prayer session
Includes opening prayer, three-strike gong indicating beginning of the session, and a closing prayer
Does not include instructions for Centering Prayer, so best for those who are already familiar or can not make Sunday’s meeting
Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center
Citrus Heights, California
All times are Pacific Standard Time.
Passionist Earth & Spirit Center
Louisville, Kentucky
All times are Eastern Standard Time.
Summer Meditation Series
Wednesdays, June 2 – June 16
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
You don’t need to take a summer break from mindfulness! This four-week series will help you deepen and maintain your meditation practice in the socially-distanced company of fellow meditators and guided by several of our senior meditation faculty. Beginner and experienced meditators welcome. Each session will include opportunities for practice and discussion.
- June 2 – “Awakening Wisdom: Why We Should Meditate and How We Do It,”
with Fr. Joe Mitchell, CP. - June 9 – “Mindful Food Choices in a World of Interbeing,” with Karen Newton.
- June 16 – “Cultivating Joy in Difficult Times,” with Glenda Hodges-Cook.
Online via Zoom.
For more information and to register, click here.

Father Cedric Pisegna, CP
All times are Eastern Standard Time.
Live with Passion! with Father Cedric Pisegna, CP, airs on TBN Sundays at 7:00 a.m., ET, and on Daystar TV Sundays at 1:00 p.m., ET.
For more information, visit Father Cedric’s website.
For additional videos by Fr. Cedric, please visit his Youtube Channel.
Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center
Houston, Texas