Acts 25:13b-21
John 21:15-19
"Do you love me?"
Thirty two years ago yesterday, my husband Tom and I promised to cherish each other for as long as we both lived. We took vows to support each other in good and bad times and promised to love and be faithful forever. As I count the years that have gone by in marital bliss, I am reminded of the avalanche of challenges we encountered along the way. I remember early on in our marriage, when either of us felt we failed to meet the others expectations or we had an argument or disagreement, the familiar phrase, "How much do you love me," would enter the conversation – usually at the end. The foundation of our marriage was in the formation stage at this time and we both needed assurance. As I sit here today, I can say with certainty that over the years we have opened our hearts to each other and with that our love has grown strong and that strength has helped us to overcome the doubt and fear that lurked around many corners in the early days. Now, we never ask, "do you love me," we state, "I love you."
When Jesus asked Peter Simon, "do you love me," maybe He was looking for the same assurance we looked for. Or maybe, by asking that question, Jesus forced Peter to contemplate his devotion to their relationship. Either way, the question is one that elicits strong feelings and prompts us to reflect on the importance of the love we have for each other and God.
Angela Kwasinski, Director of Planned and Major Gifts for, The Passionists of Holy Cross Province.