Pray twenty four hours every day – that is, perform all your actions with heart and mind raised to God, holding yourself in interior solitude, and reposing in God in pure faith.
Giving Tuesday - Title Only
6 P.M. Post and Reflection
If you cannot spend much time at prayer, no matter: to act well is always to pray well.
5:30 P.M. Post and Reflection
The moth flies round the flame and falls into it; let your soul be drawn into the divine light and consumed in it.
5 P.M. Post and Reflection
Let us be generous, let us serve the Lord nobly, let us practise great virtues; God will be our strength and will give us victory.
4:30 P.M. Post and Reflection
Love speaks little. The language of divine love is a burning heart; no words can express its ardors; they make of the loving soul a victim of love, a holocaust, consumed and reduced to ashes in the divine fire of charity.
4 P.M. Post and Reflection
Be faithful to correspond with the wonderful graces which you have received from Our Lord; they are a preparation for greater graces and more sublime lights, which will cause you to love God more, to acquire more solid virtue, and to practice it in a more heroic degree.
3:30 P.M. Post and Reflection
If God grants you the gift of prayer, be faithful to it; take care, however, that you do not become slothful in the practice of virtues and the imitation of Jesus.
3 P.M. Post and Reflection
Oh, how I wish that everybody would apply himself to meditation and prayer! What a misfortune that there are so few souls who know the hidden treasure contained in prayer and union with God!