I would like the subject of your prayer to be the Passion of Jesus; let your heart lose itself in God in those loving communions. But understand me well. I wish you to leave your soul entirely free to follow the attractions of the Holy Spirit.
Giving Tuesday - Title Only
2 P.M. Post and Reflection
Oh, what joy will it give to the blessed in heaven, and what pleasure to your guardian angel, to see you engaged in mental prayer! Never omit this holy exercise.
1:30 P.M. Post and Reflection
Your most important business is the care of your soul. This is why, before leaving your room in the morning, you should spend at least a quarter of an hour in meditating on the life, the Passion, and the death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 P.M. Post and Reflection
The great heart of the child Mary is, after the Heart of Jesus, the holiest of all hearts; it has loved, and it loves God more than the whole court of heaven, more than all the angels and saints, past, present, and to come.
12:30 P.M. Post and Reflection
O Jesus, my Love, may my heart be consumed in loving Thee; make me humble and holy; give me childlike simplicity; transform me into thy holy love.
12 P.M. Post and Reflection
Model your hearts on that of the divine Infant, that He may vivify you, encourage you, inflame you, sanctify you, render you capable of doing great things for the glory of God; and may the holy Virgin keep you pure with the precious balm of her virtues! Amen.
11:30 A.M. Post and Reflection
At this sacred banquet contemplate the divine Child, trembling with cold, which He suffered that He might enkindle in our hearts the flames of divine love! Ah! ponder attentively this grand mystery.
11 A.M. Post and Reflection
Oh, who will give me the wings of a dove, that I may take my flight of love towards Thy divine Heart?