Scripture:1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27-31aLuke 7:11-17Reflection:So often in the gospels, Jesus finds himself smack in the middle of somebody’s pain, somebody’s sorrow and loss. That is certainly true in the poignant, » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Corinthians 11:17-26,33Luke 7:1-10Reflection:The Passionist Family celebrated our lives with fiesta during the assembly in June. We celebrated the Exaltation of the Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows. In addition, » Continue Reading.
Mary, Our Lady of SorrowsScripture:Isaiah 50:4c-9aJames 2:14-18Mark 8:27-35Reflection:In our Gospel reading for this Sunday (Mark 8:27-35), Jesus asks His disciples what the people are saying about Him: “Who do people » Continue Reading.
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy CrossScripture:Numbers 21:4b-9Philippians 2:6-11John 3:13-17Reflection:Today is dedicated to the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.‘Exalt’ has several meanings, but let’s consider ‘raise in honor’ and » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22b-27Luke 6:39-42Reflection:I have served as a lector and taught lector training for decades. I take proclamation of the word very seriously, with the aim of making it » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Corinthians 8:1b-7, 11-13Luke 6:27-38Reflection:Aren’t there some teachings that Jesus leaves with us that are incredibly unnerving?love your enemies…………………..really?, do good to those who hate you……! bless those who curse » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Corinthians 7:25-31Luke 6:20-26Reflection:Throughout the gospels, Jesus frequently makes enigmatic statements, but perhaps none so enigmatic as the Beatitudes in Luke’s gospel today.“Blessed are you who are poor, because God’s » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Corinthians 6:1-11Luke 6:12-19Reflection:I met a priest from India a couple of decades ago, but I’ve never forgotten him. There was just something about him. He radiated unconditional love, peacefulness, » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 Corinthians 5:1-8Luke 6:6-11Reflection:A Chandelier and a Flock of SparrowsKate DiCamillo is the author of several books for school-aged children. In ‘Ferris,’ her latest book, a large chandelier, is a » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Isaiah 35:4-7James 2:1-5Mark 7:31-37Reflection:Be Opened!There was a time in my life, when what I heard when listening to the readings at Church seemed too deep for me to understand. I » Continue Reading.