Scripture:1 John 5:5-13Mark: 1:7-11Reflection:The writer of the Gospel of Mark does not mince words. The narrative is quick, blunt, to the point.In today’s reading from that gospel, we are immediately » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 John 3:11-21John 1:43-51Reflection:This is the message you have heard from the beginning:we should love one another… –1 John 3:11Now this is how we shall know that we belong to » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 John 3:7-10John 1:35-42Reflection:“…Come and see…”Today’s Gospel selection features John the Baptist and two of his disciples encountering Jesus as He walked by – so named “the Lamb of God” » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 John 2:29-3:6John 1:29-34Reflection:By the time of the composition of the Gospel of John, the Johanine community had several generations of faithful living, spiritual reflection and praying both personally and » Continue Reading.
Memorial of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the ChurchScripture:1 John 2:22-28John 1:19-28Reflection:St. Basil and St. Gregory were each bestowed the title “Doctor of the » Continue Reading.
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of GodScripture:Numbers 6:22-27Galatians 4:4-7Luke 2:16-21Reflection:Today’s liturgy celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. While the early church revered Mary as Jesus’s mother, not until the » Continue Reading.
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and JosephScripture:Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14Colossians 3:12-21Luke 2:22-40Reflection:Merry Christmas!Remember Christmas? That was 7 whole days ago! Since then, many of my neighbors have taken » Continue Reading.
Scripture: 1 John 2:3-11Luke 2:22-35Reflection:. . . for the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining.-1 John 2:8Today is the fifth day of the octave of Christmas. » Continue Reading.
Feast of the Holy InnocentsScripture:1 John 1:5-2:2Matthew 2:13-18Reflection:A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation…. -Matthew 2:18We celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs, today. We are » Continue Reading.
Scripture:1 John 1:1-4John 20:1a, 2-8Reflection:This is such an incredibly difficult gospel to read. Anyone who has parented a child can relate to the painful reality of the violence committed upon these » Continue Reading.