Isaiah 50:4-9a
Matthew 26:14-25
By the time you read this reflection we will be immersed in the great celebration of Holy Week. It is an exciting time in the life of every Christian and especially for the RCIA Elect as they journey to the Easter Sacraments. Oh Happy Day!
The gospel today recounts the familiar story of the Passover meal Jesus ate with his disciples followed by the betrayal of Judas. BETRAYAL is such a personal insult on our very being, hurtful to the core and long lasting for the most part. I often think of Judas and wonder what things happened to him in his life that led him to commit this sin of betrayal. Did he grow up surrounded by betrayers, by people he loved and trusted at one time and then betrayed him. We are reminded often that all that God created was Good. Does this mean Judas and others who appear to be like him are really good? Let’s hope so. I think if we are all honest with ourselves we have to admit that we are guilty of the sin of betrayal.
The sin of betrayal causes us to hurt those we love with our indifference and self-centeredness,
The sin of betrayal tells us it’s okay to be silent and passive rather than challenge the corrupt practices of government and patriarchy that are rampant in our society and church today.
The sin of betrayal leads us to buy into the merits of infidelity, addiction, crime and violence that makes life difficult for those we love and care about.
The sin of betrayal rears its ugly head when we favor revenge over reconciliation.
Jesus ate the Passover meal with people he trusted and loved. We live, work, pray and socialize with people we trust and love each day. When the sin of betrayal enters in and messes up our world even a little bit we feel hurt, angry, alone and bereft. Jesus felt all of these human emotions, but in his great love for us, he accepted death on the cross in order that we all may enjoy new life.
Let us enter into the Triduum celebrations, let us join the faithful at the Table of the Lord and be nourished. Let us wash one anothers feet, let us embrace the pain of the cross on Good Friday, but most of all let us celebrate and live the Easter message!
Let us move from BETRAYAL to BEFRIENDING and glory in the Resurrection!
A new day is upon us REJOICE! Easter Blessings to All.
Theresa Secord is a Pastoral Associate at St. Agnes Parish, Louisville, Kentucky.
Leslie Berenger says