Our focus this Lent is on Renewal through Compassion. As we begin this wonderful liturgical season, resources will be available to you on this page.
Thank you to all who have contributed to our Lenten Journey. As we journey together through Holy Week, we hope you will join us in further reflection from Fr. Don Senior, CP in our theme, Renewal through Compassion.
Click here to read previous Holy Week reflections
Easter Sunday, March 27
The gospel reading for this Easter Sunday brings us to the empty tomb again, this time through the account in John’s Gospel. Three of those closest to Jesus appear here: Mary Magdalene, Peter, and the “Beloved Disciple” (who is not named but may well be the apostle John or another disciple who was very close to Jesus and whose testimony underwrites this Gospel). Each of them are at first baffled by the empty tomb. Mary assumes someone has taken Jesus’ body away—later John will give us the beautiful account of how Jesus meets Mary near the tomb and she is overwhelmed with love when he says her name, “Mary.” When Mary tells them of the empty tomb, Peter and the Beloved Disciple run to see for themselves (the Beloved Disciple outruns Peter but waits at the entrance to the tomb until he arrives…). They see burial cloths there and the cloth that had covered Jesus’ head neatly rolled up. Signs of order not chaos. There is a stirring of faith in these witnesses but it has not yet blossomed. That will come later when Mary Magdalene brings the news that Jesus is alive—earning for her the title in the early church of “apostle to the apostles.” What is the final Easter message here? Love is stronger than death. No tomb can hold Jesus; no violence can take away his life. The Risen Christ will appear to his disciples and commission them: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Those who trust in the Risen Jesus will bring his message of unending life and compassion to the world.
During Lent, you will find a collage of photos and links to reflections from members of our St. Vincent Strambi Community. They will be offering their daily reflection on Renewal through Compassion in various areas of our lives.
Follow along with us as you reflect on renewing your life through compassion. If you feel so moved, please share your thoughts with the Passionist Family. We will be posting and sharing your reflections throughout the Lenten season.
Check back daily for more reflections on Renewal through Compassion in various forms of our lives!
Renewal through Compassion in education
Click on any of the images below for more.
Renewal through Compassion through vocations
Click on any of the images below for more.
Renewal through Compassion within our communities
Click on any of the images below for more.
Renewal through Compassion toward our environment
Click on any of the images below for more.
Renewal through Compassion through our global community
Click on any of the images below for more.
Renewal through Compassion within our ministries and Mission
Click on any of the images below for more.
Renewal through Compassion within our own lives
Click on any of the images below for more.
Share with us your thoughts. How are the Renewal through Compassion reflections shaping your Lenten journey?
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