Ken Schmitt
Head of Nashville’s Community of Passionist Partners
Ken Schmitt moves people.
In the corporate world, he oversees relocation projects for United Van Lines, so getting people and companies from point A to point B is his specialty. He’d never say it himself, but it’s clear that he is extremely good at his job…
This isn’t the only way he moves people, however. Ken Schmitt is a person of incredible dynamism who cares deeply about the Passionists and their ministries, and each day he translates that energy into service towards others. His level of enthusiasm and commitment can’t help but invigorate others.
“In my mind and heart I have always wanted to be involved with the Passionist Community. So many Passionists have influenced my life. I feel as if I have been part of the Passionist Community since the day I was baptized.”
Throughout the years Ken has been a faithful contributor to the Passionists both in time and treasure. He was the force behind the founding of the Community of Passionist Partners in Nashville. Some years ago Ken had a kind of epiphany at a Passionist Mass that was particularly moving. “I realized that I needed to bring the Passionist charism to people in Nashville, and that was the beginning of our chapter of the Community of Passionist Partners.”
The CPPs are a group of vowed religious and lay people who enter into a spiritual covenant to study and promote the charism of Passionist founder, St. Paul of the Cross.
Today, the Nashville CPPs are an especially vibrant and diverse group. In addition to their ongoing spiritual formation, they are actively involved in several outreach efforts. They continue to provide support for troops in the 101st Airborne Division currently serving in Iraq, and they have met with state leaders urging them to advocate for additional monies to improve education, health care, nutrition and agriculture for the very neediest people in developing countries.
Reaching out to those who are suffering is at the core of the Passionist charism. Ken Schmitt has made a personal commitment to share this charism, and would gladly move heaven and earth to do so. Before heading off to his next project, he adds, “We need to spread God’s love wherever we go, to whomever we meet.” And knowing Ken, that’s a promise he’ll keep.