St. Gemma Galgani, a Passionist Saint of the 19th century, found meaning in her sufferings because she lovingly united them with the suffering of Jesus on His Cross. Her deep and unwavering love for our Lord and His Passion embodied the spirit of our founder, St. Paul of the Cross. You can read more about the life of St. Gemma here.
Through the St. Gemma Circle of Giving, we invite you to collaborate with the Passionists in preparing our young seminarians in their training, education and formation; by caring for and assisting our senior Priests and Brothers; and in our unique and vital mission to the people of Birmingham, Alabama.
The St. Gemma Circle of Giving program allows you to easily make a gift to the Passionists in regular installments from a credit card or checking/savings account.
Benefits of joining The Saint Gemma Circle of Giving include:
•A yearly mass offered for you and your special intentions on May 16, the feast day of St. Gemma Galgani.
•A special remembrance in a Mass on your birthday.
•A members-only web page to submit your prayer intentions.
•Our quarterly E-newsletter, Passionist Perspectives.
•A copy of our semi-annual magazine.
•A St. Gemma Galgani Prayer card.
•A year-end giving statement for income tax purposes.
If you would like to become a member of the St. Gemma Galgani Circle of Giving, please complete the form below with the gift amount you would like charged to your account. All gifts will process on the 20th of each month.
For additional information or to join using EFT, please contact Angela Kwasinski at [email protected].