Scripture:Tobit 3:1-11a, 16-17aMark 12:18-27Reflection:Have you not read in the Book of Moses,in the passage about the bush, how God told him,I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Tobit 2: 9-14Mark 12: 13-17Reflection:The late John Kavanaugh, a Jesuit at St. Louis University, related an encounter with Mother Theresa while on a visit to her mission serving the poorest » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Tobit 1:3; 2:1b-8Mark 2:1-12Reflection:Today’s readings tell two stories designed to teach. In the Hebrew Scripture, the exiled Tobit introduces himself, his background and works. In the Gospel, Jesus tells the » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Exodus 34:4-6,8-92 Corinthians 13:11-13John 3:16-18Reflection:Solemnity of the Most Holy TrinityToday we celebrate a major belief of our Catholic Faith: our belief in three Persons in one God…Father, Son, and Holy » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 51:12cd-20Mark 11:27-33Reflection:Two realities emerge from the gospel today. One is the fact that Jesus lived each day in the face of criticism, opposition, and risk. We take for granted » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 44:1, 9-13Mark 11:11-26Reflection:Last Sunday’s Pentecost liturgy reminded me of the time when I served as a pastoral minister in a parish. We were blessed to be a multicultural community; » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 42:15-25Mark 10:46-52Reflection:Did you ever spend hours preparing a speech about a topic you were really passionate about only to have it fall on deaf ears or at the very » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Zephaniah 3:14-18a or Romans 12:9-16Luke 1:39-56Reflection:Happy Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.If you’re at all like me, you’ll have asked yourself The Question: “What is my purpose? » Continue Reading.
Scripture:Sirach 35:1-12Mark 10:28-31Reflection:When I think about the line from Mark that says, “But many that are first will be last, and the last will be first”, I can’t help but » Continue Reading.
Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the ChurchScripture:Acts 1:12-14John 19:25-34Reflection: Two Sundays ago, we celebrated Mother’s Day, a day when we remembered all that our mothers have done for » Continue Reading.