Holy Cross Province Laudato Siˊ Action Platform Pledge

As Catholics and as Passionists, we have been asked by Pope Francis to seek the change of heart that is required to make the actions of the Laudato Siˊ Action Platform part of our daily lives. What Pope Francis asks of us is a “profound interior conversion” leading us toward a future in which “all people can prosper personally and economically in harmony with the gifts God has given us in nature.”
We invite the members of our Passionist family to join us, along with the global Catholic community, in this endeavor. In proclaiming the Passion of Jesus as the greatest sign of God’s love and seeking to serve the crucified of today, we believe our mission as Passionists resonates deeply with the vision, principles and fundamental concerns of Laudato Siˊ.
The International Passionist Congregation and Holy Cross Province pledge to participate in the Laudato Siˊ Action Platform called for by Pope Francis. As part of making this pledge, we support, embrace and commit to the implementation of the plan of action to address the

- Cry of the Earth,
- Cry of the poor,
- Ecological economics,
- Adoption of simple lifestyles,
- Ecological education,
- Ecological spirituality, and
- Community engagement and participatory action.
Laudato Siˊ Action Platform Launch event
On December 2, 2021, over 80 members of the Passionist Family registered for a special Zoom forum, Passionists Engage Laudato Siˊ. The event was a joint gathering of lay and vowed members of the Passionist family from St. Paul of the Cross & Holy Cross Provinces. At this special Zoom event, we affirmed our personal and corporate commitment to the LSAP and celebrated how we are already in motion, responding to the Action Platform goals and the interconnected Cry of Earth and Cry of the Poor.
Provincials, Fr. Joe Moons, CP, and Fr. Jim O’Shea, CP, began with their own strong encouragement and support for our Provinces’ seven-year journey toward fulfilling our own Laudato Siˊ Action Platform goals. We learned the basics of Laudato Siˊ and the goals of the Action Platform in coordination with the leadership of the Congregation and the Catholic Church. We heard from Fr. Don Senior, CP, on how strongly rooted the work of integral ecology is in our charism. And we were inspired by stories from throughout the province showing how folks are already making the goals of the Laudato Siˊí Action Platform a reality. As we continue our LSAP journey together as one Passionist Family, in the words of our former Superior General, Fr. Joachim Rego, CP, “may we be attentive to the Lord’s presence and respond to the path he is unfolding before us.”
Click here to read Fr. Joachim Rego, CP’s, letter of encouragement to the gathering.
Watch the entire presentation on our YouTube Channel.
Laudato Siˊ Action Platform Documents
- Letter from Superior General – English
- Letter from Superior General – Spanish
- Holy Cross Province Commitment
- Sustainable Purchasing Guide
Passion of the Earth | Wisdom of the Cross
- Session 1 – English
- Session 1 – Spanish
- Session 2 – English
- Session 2 – Spanish
- Session 3 – English
- Session 3 – Spanish
- Session 4 – English
- Session 4 – Spanish
- Session 5 – English
- Session 5 – Spanish
- Session 6 – English
- Session 6 – Spanish
Below are a few ways you can live Laudato Sí in your daily life:

- Read Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Siˊ.
- Visit the Passionist Congregation’s website.
- Visit the Laudato Siˊ Action Platform website.
- Visit the Passionist Earth & Spirit Center’s website.
- Visit the Passionist Solidarity Network (PSN) website.
- Sign up to receive the PSN newsletter
- Visit the website of the Conference of the Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) and their statement on the Care of Creation.
- Click here to take the the Laudate Deum Pledge for Action.
- Check out the many programs for individuals, families, parishes and other groups at Catholic Climate Covenant.
Learn about Human trafficking. Visit:
- Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking
- Support businesses that take action to prevent forced labor,
like those that sign The Code of Conduct Against Child Sexual Exploitation in the Travel and Tourism Industry, or get high marks from KnowTheChain.