Have you played Wordle, that daily game of figuring out 5-letter words? I like Sudoku, but I’ve become addicted to Wordle. I MUST play it every day or I’m not content. Though I’m loathe to admit it, sometimes when I wake up at 3 AM, I’ll realize the new Wordle came online at midnight and I’ll pull out my phone to do it before I go back to sleep. Ouch!
In the scriptures, we are directed to set captives free. May we never minimize our serious responsibility to work for the freedom and autonomy of our sisters and brothers in our own country and around the world! It is a primary dictate of the Gospel to work for justice and peace. Given all that is happening today, there is more than enough crying out to be done, and as disciples we must commit ourselves to actively being involved.
At the same time, we need to continually look at ourselves, because there are also more subtle ways of being held bound. Some are little addictions, with the equivalent importance of Wordle. Others are bigger issues, involving misplaced trust or security in things that don’t last, following “false prophets” who proclaim beliefs that are not in line with Jesus’ life and teaching, feeling entitled or self-righteous while turning a blind eye to those in need, or persisting in unhealthy relationships with people, food, or substances. All claim more of my time, energy, and commitment than God wants and/or they keep me from being who God calls me to be in this world.
Everything matters. If I can’t free myself from smaller addictions that keep me from God, I won’t have the wisdom, insight, or strength to resist the bigger ones. For instance, can I be as persistent about making time for prayer as I am about making time for Wordle? I need to sit in God’s presence, to let God love and heal me, to listen to God’s voice and allow God to change my heart. I need to allow God to direct my life. Maybe I can follow a rule where I cannot do Wordle UNTIL I’ve taken dedicated time for prayer that day. Oooo, that sounds hard! But I’m going to try.
What is your “Wordle”? Let’s all work to devote ourselves more fully to following the God who sets captives free, gives sight to the blind, who suffers with us and promises resurrection.
Amy Florian is a teacher and consultant working in Chicago. For many years she has partnered with the Passionists. Visit Amy’s website: http://www.corgenius.com/.