Vision Fulfillment Commission
Jim Strommer, CP, Co-chair
Keith Zekind, Co-chair
Tim O'Brien, Vision Fulfillment Facilitator
Richard Burke, CP
David Colhour, CP
Marci Madary
Faith Offman
Phil Paxton, CP
Marta Salgado-Nino
Elizabeth Velarde
Communications Team
Keith Zekind
Alan Phillip, CP
Sandra Arnould
Christopher Gunn
Cedric Pisegna, CP
-Communications Notes 3.3.2020
-Communications Meeting Minutes 3.4.2020
-Communications Meeting Minutes 3.25.2020
-Communications Meeting Minutes 4.15.2020
-Communications Meeting Minutes 4.29.2020
-Communications Meeting Minutes 5.13.2020
Laudato Sí Team
Marta Salgado Nino
David Horvath
Lissa Romell
Claire Smith
Patty Gillis
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 3.25.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 4.1.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 4.16.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 4.30.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 5.7.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 5.21.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 5.28.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 8.18.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 8.25.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 9.1.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 9.8.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 9.15.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 9.22.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 9.29.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 10.6.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 10.13.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 10.20.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 10.27.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 11.3.2020
-Laudato Si Meeting Minutes 11.10.2020
Click here to view the LS Meeting Minutes on Googledocs.
Ministry Team
Faith Offman
Bruno D'Souza, CP
Mike Higgins, CP
Alexis Salazar
Alfredo Ocampo, CP
-Ministry Meeting Minutes 2.25.2020
-Ministry Meeting Minutes 3.18.2020
-Ministry Meeting Minutes 4.8.2020
-Ministry Meeting Minutes 5.6.2020
Assembly 2020
-Resource Group Conversations - Notes
Assembly Videos:
-Sr. Carol Zinn, SSJ, Ph.D.,
Keynote Presentation
-Fr. Richard Burke, CP,
300th Jubilee Presentation
-Charism Formation Team Presentation
-Community in Transition Presentation
-Communications Team Presentation
-Laudato Sí Team Presentation
-Leadership Team Presentation
-Ministry Team Presentation
-New Partnerships Team Presentation
Charism Formation Team
Marci Madary
Ken O'Malley, CP
Jean Bowler
Jack Conley, CP
-Charism Notes 2.24.2020
-Charism Meeting Minutes 3.30.2020
-Charism Meeting Minutes 4.27.2020
-Charism Meeting Minutes 5.22.2020
-Charism Meeting Minutes 9.17.2020
Community in Transition Team
Jim Strommer, CP
Phil Laughlin
Don Senior, CP
Phil Paxton, CP
Christopher Jungers
-Community in Transition Notes 3.12.2020
-Community in Transition
Meeting Minutes 3.26.2020
-C. Jungers Community Working Group
Calls to Action 4.11.2020
-Community in Transition
VFT Homework-Paxton 4.2020
-Community in Transition
Meeting Minutes 4.30.2020
Leadership Team
David Colhour, CP
Angela Kwasinski
Michael Cunningham
Richard Burke
Matt Greenough
-Leadership Meeting Minutes 3.10.2020
-Leadership Notes 4.16.2020
-Leadership Meeting Minutes 5.5.2020
-Leadership Meeting Minutes 5.16.2020
New Partnerships Team
Elizabeth Velarde
Pat Brennan, CP
Jon Chalmers
Alex Steinmiller, CP
Sharon Brewer
Cindy LaFond
-New Partnerships Meeting Minutes 3.10.2020
-New Partnerships Meeting Minutes 3.17.2020
-New Partnerships Meeting Minutes 3.24.2020
-New Partnerships Meeting Minutes 4.14.2020
-New Partnerships Summary 4.7.2020
-New Partnerships Meeting Minutes 4.28.2020
-Vision Fulfillment Purpose and Process
-Vision Statement and Vision Perspective Statements 3.6.2020
-Mapping Calls to Action from 2019 Provincial Chapter
-Passionist Glossary and Vocabulary 2019
-Vision Fulfillment Prayer
-Vision Fulfillment: Leading Change -
Tim O'Brien
-March 2019 - Father Don Senior, CP
-March 2019 - Mark Clarke
35th Provincial Chapter
Chapter Reports
-A Call to Action: Reflections and Orientations from the 47th General Chapter
-Provincial's Chapter Report
-2019 Province Chapter Reports
Chapter Enactments:
-Provincial's Introduction Letter
-Revised Chapter Enactments - March 2019
Chapter Correspondence
Visioning Commission
Fr. Jim Strommer, CP; Keith Zekind
Fr. Richard Burke, CP; Joe Castro;
Fr. Mike Higgins, CP; Tim O’Brien;
Fr. Phil Paxton, CP; Trudi Stinson;
Elizabeth Velarde
Facilitator: Anne Kemp
Working Groups
Co-chairs: Fr. David Colhour, CP; Kate Mims
Shepherds: Trudi Stinson and Tim O'Brien
How are we keeping alive the memory of the Passion of Christ in our own hearts and impelling us to respond to the suffering in the world?
Co-chairs: Fr. Don Senior, CP; Dan O'Donnell
Shepherd: Fr. Jim Strommer, CP
How have we evolved the Passionist communities of today into a multi-leveled concept “a Community gathered at the foot of the cross” with both distinct and integrative structures and qualities?
Co-Chairs: Fr. Alfredo Ocampo, CP;
Faith Offman
Shepherds: Elizabeth Velarde and Keith Zekind
How are we deepening and fulfilling collaboration of vowed and laity within the Province and among local communities as well as forming meaningful collaborative relationships with external groups for sustaining mission, community life and ministry?
Co-chairs: Fr. Bruno D'Souza, CP; Jean Bowler
Shepherds: Fr. Phil Paxton, CP; Joe Castro
How are we reaching an ever greater number and variety of people, both virtually and visibly, connecting those inspired to serve the crucified of today through exposure to and formation in the Passionist charism.
Co-chairs: Fr. Jack Conley, CP;
Michael Cunningham
Shepherds: Fr. Mike Higgins, CP;
Fr. Richard Burke, CP
How are we preaching Christ Crucified in a dynamic and deeply connective way whether in retreat centers, other ministries, parishes, communities or through contemporary or social media.
Local Passionist Family Gatherings
-Attendee Notebook Pre-Chapter 2019
Mark Clarke Presentations:
-Mark Clarke Pre-Chapter PowerPoint Presentation Day 1 (pdf)
-Mark Clarke Pre-Chapter PowerPoint Presentation Day 2 (pdf)
-Mark Clarke Presentation - Day 1
-Mark Clarke Presentation - Day 2
Pre-Chapter Video Presentations:
-Charism Working Group
-Community Working Group
-Collaboration Working Group
-Outreach Working Group
-Preaching Working Group
Pre-Chapter Reports:
-Working Group Reports Pre-Chapter 2019
Pre-Chapter Presentations (PDF):
-Charism Working Group Pre-Chapter Presentation
-Collaboration Working Group Pre-Chapter Presentation
-Community Working Group Pre-Chapter Presentation
-Outreach Working Group Pre-Chapter Presentation
-Preaching Working Group Pre-Chapter Presentation
Pre-Chapter Community Reports
-Birmingham Community Pre-Chapter Report
-Christ the King Pre-Chapter Report
-Holy Name Pre-Chapter Report
-Mater Dolorosa Pre-Chapter Report Jan 15
-Mater Dolorosa Pre-Chapter Report Jan 16
-Prov Office-2 Pre-Chapter Report
-Sacred Heart Community Pre-Chapter Report
-St. Paul's Pre-Chapter Report
-St. Vincent Strambi Community Pre-Chapter Report
Mark Clarke Articles
![Visioning Email Masthead Visioning Email Masthead](
Holy Cross Province Visioning Commission
Co-chairs: Fr. Jim Strommer, CP, and Keith Zekind
Fr. Richard Burke, CP; Joe Castro; Fr. Mike Higgins, CP; Tim O’Brien;
Fr. Phil Paxton, CP; Trudi Stinson; Elizabeth Velarde
Facilitator: Anne Kemp
Charism Working Group
Collaboration Working Group
Co-chairs: Fr. David Colhour, CP; Kate Mims
Shepherds: Trudi Stinson and Tim O'Brien
How are we keeping alive the memory of the Passion of Christ in our own hearts and impelling us to respond to the suffering in the world?
-Charism of the Passion
-Charism Committee for the Visioning Process_2
-Charism Notes 10.18.2018
-Charism Minutes 11.16.2018
-Charism Minutes 1.23.2019
-Meeting Minutes 4.16.2019
Fr. Alfredo Ocampo, CP; Faith Offman
Shepherds: Elizabeth Velarde and Keith Zekind
How are we deepening and fulfilling collaboration of vowed and laity within the Province and among local communities as well as forming meaningful collaborative relationships with external groups for sustaining mission, community life and ministry?
-Zoom Meeting Summary 10.3.2018
-Zoom Meeting Summary 10.10.2018
-Zoom Meeting Summary 10.17.2018
-Zoom Meeting Summary 10.25.2018
-Zoom Meeting Summary 11.14.2018
-Zoom Meeting Summary 11.28.2018
-Zoom Meeting Summary 1.23.2019
-Zoom Meeting Summary 1.30.2019
-Zoom Meeting Summary 2.13.2019
-Collaboration Working Group Agenda 2.20.2019
-Joint Zoom Meeting Summary with Charism WG 3.20.2019
-Zoom Meeting Summary 3.30.2019
Community Working Group
Outreach Working Group
Co-chairs: Fr. Don Senior, CP; Dan O'Donnell
Shepherd: Fr. Jim Strommer, CP
How have we evolved the Passionist communities of today into a multi-leveled concept “a Community gathered at the foot of the cross” with both distinct and integrative structures and qualities?
-Communitas and Community
-Draft Outline of Paper on Community Life
-Meeting Minutes 10.2.2018
-Meeting Minutes 12.5.2018
-Meeting Minutes 1.10.2019
-Meeting Minutes 1.29.2019
-Resource Docs on Community Life - Jan 11 edit
-Meeting Minutes 3.16.2019
-Meeting Minutes 4.1.2019
-Community Group Survey DRAFT 3.2019
-Community WG - Survey Results-April 2019
-Community Group White Paper Final Draft 5.4.2019
CPP Documents
-CPP History & Formation
-CPP Facilitator Handbook 2005
-CPP Member Handbook 6.2005
-CPP Retreat Center Board Members Workbook 5.2008
-CPP General Letter 5.16.2008
Co-chairs: Fr. Bruno D'Souza, CP; Jean Bowler
Shepherds: Fr. Phil Paxton, CP; Joe Castro
How are we reaching an ever greater number and variety of people, both virtually and visibly, connecting those inspired to serve the crucified of today through exposure to and formation in the Passionist charism.
-Outreach Minutes 10.25.2018
-Outreach Minutes 11.29.2018
-Outreach Minutes 3.1.2019
YouTube Video:
-One of the Most Inspirational Speeches from Gangsters | Father Gregory Boyle
Preaching Working Group
Mark Clarke Articles
Fr. Jack Conley, CP; Michael Cunningham
Fr. Mike Higgins, CP; Fr. Richard Burke, CP
How are we preaching Christ Crucified in a dynamic and deeply connective way whether in retreat centers, other ministries, parishes, communities or through contemporary or social media.
-Meeting Minutes 11.30.2018
-Preaching Committee Report 10.29.2018 Draft
-February 26 follow-up - Discussion Points
-Preaching Minutes 4.1.2019
Other Documents/Communications
Dates to Remember
Thursday, June 6 - Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Provincial Chapter
Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center
Mater Dolorosa, CA